Sunday, October 9, 2011


We found my mother finally, shes had been in the psych ward once again. Now she is moving back to the Embassy Care Center in Wilmington. So Ty is happy to see her, she is staying with us for three days while the nursing home paperwork goes through. Her contact with Ty is very limited, she made a deal that she could spend the night but she has to go somewhere to occupy herself for the majority of the day. Perhaps that may sound cruel but she isn't the best influence on him. Whenever she is around, he stops listening to us and starts only listening to her.

 Shes back on her meds and doing alright. Since I've recently been "laid" off from work, her little bit on income ($20 a day) that she gives us to spend the night, is mighty helpful. Unless charlie's new job starts him, we're scraping by to make it. For those of you that don't know my family, my mom's name is Ruth. She has a severe mental illness (and some medical problems as well), it started right after I was born. Its like post-partom(sp?) depression which triggered schizophrenia mixed with bi-polar disorder. It is speculated to have some kind of genetic component, but it has never been medically confirmed. I do not have the schizophrenia just plain old anxiety and depression problems.
She has been in and out of mental hospitals and nursing homes my entire life. Actually both of my parents suffer from mental illness, growing up was quite tough and my sister and I had to stay at a lot of different places because both parents were in and out of mental hospitals, nursing homes and psychwards. My father, hes passed on, was severely depressed at many points of his life.

Don and Ruth - Lynn's Parents

My mother's immediate family- 9 girls and one boy, Ruth is in the navy blue shirt next to the woman with a white bow.

My parent's wedding day at the courthouse.

My mother and my older sister Ruthie, while my mother was pregnant with me.

Mom, Lynn and Ruthie

Ruth and John, my mother's boyfriend. They met and live together in a nursing home. He has a developmental delay but is a nice man.  

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