Thursday, September 29, 2011

Where do Babies come from?

Recently he keeps saying that he is a robot. Leave it to a little redhead to put a twist on "where do babies come from"... he asked me tonight "how did u and daddy build me?"...Hahahha ummmm....

Park Photos

We went to Godly the other day and saw the animals at the petting zoo. We had so much fun and he got to feed cucumbers to the deer.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Charlie and I

Charlie and I grew up together, it was like destiny. His mother used to babysit me as a child. They moved away little did I know he was my neighbor when I was in third grade. As a child, I had difficulty making friends. I am a tad socially akward. I befriended his dog as a child. I was that little neighbor girl that would always come into your yard and play with your dogs. I used to let his puppy Skylar out every day to come play with me. I used to feed it leftovers whenever I'd come to visit. Whenever anyone came out from his house, I'd run away real fast. I had no idea it was him. I found out later the dog was on a special diet and they gave it away because it was always throwing up. When I was fourteen, my cousin introduced us at a dungeons and dragons party. We became best friends ever since. We didn't know until we eventually started dating that we had met several times before. His mother told us about it.

 We've been together ever since. Charlie enlisted in the army. We were saving up to get married and move in together. When he was away for those months of training, I went through a severe depression and we broke up for several months until he came back. He injured his knees after a year of being in the army and was discharged from the army.

We were married on June 3, 2006 at a local church in our town. We were pregnant about two months after we wed, unfortunately we lost our first child Gabriel or Gabby September 13, 2006. Luckily God gave us another chance.  

And happenings allowed us to take in a wonderful teenager, named Jared as our own.

We've been together ever since. Through thick and thin, sickness and health, we've been so in love. Of course we are not the perfect couple, we work at keeping our relationship strong, but it is so worth it! Then years we've been together. We've been together since I was in 8th grade. I love you bunny kitty!

Eric's disappearance

So if you follow my Vlogs , you'll notice that our friend Eric went missing. He aparently got into some kind of argument with his wife and just walked out on 9/24/11. Nobody knows where he is. His wife claims that he is at his mothers house, although when I called the police to do a wellness check, he was no where to be found. She never even planned to file a missing persons report for him, even after three days of him being missing. So I tried to file one. I filed a report, but when the cops talked to her, she retracted it. She says hes there but I'm uncertain if she is telling the truth. I private messaged his friends on Facebook and aparently I was the only person she told that he was missing. I have no idea what is going on. Is this some kind of blow off to me? Is something being hidden from me? I feel like such an outsider in this situation. I think something is being hidden from me, but I don't know exactly what? It is quite far to take a blow-off, if that is what it is. I mean, he is a friend of ours and I'm not going to just let him go missing without doing something. RIGHT? What would you do?

My Job

I put in my resignation at my job last week. My last day is Friday. The enrollment was too low and my hours kept getting cut. So now I will be taking care of children at my home for a while. I also decided to take a chance at one of those work at home businesses. I will be inspecting packages and repackaging them in my home. It sounds good in theory, but I hope it is legit. There was no starting cost and they didn't ask for any SSI or credit card numbers so I hope it works out. It sounds like a good deal. My hubby got a position nearby that would make more money than what we are getting now. It isn't much but it'll be sure helpful. So I'm trying to find a way to be able to be a housewife again. I just hope I'm not too bored being at home all the time.
I want to one day open a really great licenced daycare in my home but we will need a lot of repairs to the house in order to get licenced. DCFS doesn't like our fencing and its very expensive to line an acre and a half in privacy fencing. It is a pipe dream right now. But legally I can watch three children at my house without needing to be licenced. The families can still recieve state daycare payments for me watching them, of course I charge them until state begins to pay.


So I suppose this is the part where I tell you about myself. My name is Lynn Martin, I am twenty four years old. I hate getting older, I always feel like I am not where I should be in my life. Sure I am married to a wonderful man named Charlie, have a son and am the temporary guardian of a 17year olf named Jared. I have two dogs, a cat and own my own property. So why don't I feel happy about my life? I have a career, degrees and certificates. I always feel like something is missing with my life. Has anyone else felt like that? I had more plans for my life and I don't really feel like I am on track.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


My name is Lynn. A friend told me I should start blogging about my life and feelings, so here goes nothing.